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May 23, 2023 4 minute read

Revolutionizing Task Completion with New Formulas

For June 2023

Picture this: you’re managing a large project with multiple sub-tasks and deadlines. You’re constantly checking in with your team to ensure everything is on track, but the task statuses in your project management software don’t accurately reflect the progress. Sound familiar? Many project managers and team leaders face this challenge, which is why the introduction of new formulas based on % completeness of tasks is a game-changer.

After conversations with Customer Advisory Board members and other customers, a need for a more forgiving and accurate status/color of tasks within a Target/Program was identified. This led to the creation of new formulas that will be added as the fourth option in APPLICATION SETTINGS. The new formulas will change the way teams track progress and make it easier to identify at-risk tasks before it’s too late. Let’s dive into the details of the new formulas and how they will benefit project management.

View Winter Spring 2023 Release Notes

Target Version

The Target Version of the new formulas focuses on the end dates of tasks. Here’s how it works:

  1. If the Actual End Date has been populated, then its status is Closed. This means that the task has been completed and closed out.
  2. If the Forecast End Date is greater than or equal to today’s date, then its status is On Schedule. This means that the task is on track and expected to be completed by the deadline.
  3. If the Forecast End Date is less than today’s date, then its status is Delayed. This means that the task is behind schedule and needs attention to get it back on track.
  4. If the Forecast Start Date is less than or equal to today’s date and the Actual Start Date has no value entered, then its status is At Risk. This means that the task has not yet started, but the deadline is approaching, making it at risk of being delayed or not completed on time.

These new formulas provide a more accurate status update on tasks and make it easier to identify which tasks need immediate attention. For example, if a task is marked as Delayed, the team can focus their efforts on getting that task back on track rather than wasting time on tasks that are already on schedule.

Program Version

The Program Version of the new formulas focuses on the percentage of completion of tasks. Here’s how it works:

  1. If the % Complete equals 100%, then its status is Closed
  2. If the % Complete is less than the % Time_Elapsed and the % Time_Elapsed is greater than or equal to 100%, then its status is Delayed
  3. If the % Complete is less than the % Time_Elapsed and the % Time_Elapsed is greater than or equal to 75% and the % Time_Elapsed is less than 100%, then its status is At Risk
  4. If the % Complete is greater than or equal to the % Time_Elapsed or the % Time_Elapsed is less than 75%, then its status is On Schedule

The new formulas in the Program Version help teams track progress more accurately and easily identify the tasks that need attention. For example, if a task is marked as Delayed, the team can focus their efforts on getting that task back on track rather than wasting time on tasks that are already on schedule.


The new formulas based on % completeness of tasks will revolutionize the way teams track progress in projects. With more accurate status updates, teams can identify at-risk tasks earlier and take action to get them back on track. The addition of the new formulas as the fourth option in APPLICATION SETTINGS will make it easy for teams to implement the changes and start seeing the benefits right away. If you’re a project manager or team leader, it’s time to embrace the new formulas and take your project management skills to the next level.

See all Release Notes

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